For now we're unavailable in Telegram, NO TELEGRAM
Is it safe to purchase from our store?
Yes, it is completely safe to purchase from our store. All information you provide are strongly encrypted and stored only for the time of processing your order.
We are committed to providing a high level of privacy in relation to all Personal Information that is collected by us, You can be rest assured that your information will never be sold out to any other client or seen anywhere on the internet. We will only use your information for the purpose of which it’s intended for.
No sharing with any third party. Here we consider your privacy as an serious issue. Privacy actually means privacy here. Our policy states that whatever information we collect from you is solely used to contact you only and will not be sold or shared with a third party under no condition.
Where do you ship?
We ship worldwide. If you live in an unusual or hard to reach place, feel free to message. We are sure we will be able to meet your stealth and shipping needs..
How the package looks like?
We do our best to hide real content of package. We keep our stealth top priority, changing our style to keep on top of the game. The package is sent from a legal business store, pretending to be an electronic device, video game, clothes or DVD movies, depending on the destination country. So the postman and your roommates will not know what you ordered.
No sharing with any third party. Here we consider your privacy as an serious issue. Privacy actually means privacy here. Our policy states that whatever information we collect from you is solely used to contact you only and will not be sold or shared with a third party under no condition.
How do you conceal smell of weed?
Weed is packaged in discreet, smell-proof, vacuum-sealed bags, making it hard to detect by dogs..
How to avoid getting caught?
There is very low possibility to get caught by purching in our store. We strongly encrypt all information you provide and remove it after completing your order. We also use good stealth to conceal the smell of drugs. To stay safer, follow additional rules.
Use amnestic operating system like Tails Don’t order drugs to your workplace Don’t tell anyone about your darknet activity Do not order more than one package at a time Dispose the packaging away from your home Use drop address if possible
Is there any return policy?
We will try our best to resolve an issue with an order. If you have a problem, speak to us. We offer a full money-back guarantee for all purchases made in our store. If you are not satisfied with the product that you have purchased from us, you can get your money back. You are eligible for a full reimbursement within 30 calendar days of your purchase. After the 30-day period you will no longer be eligible and won’t be able to receive a refund. Thank you for your time and we hope you like our products! It is our mission to keep our customers as high and happy as possible, this is the way we grow our trade, maintain our rep and keep you coming back!!